External Evaluation
CDP (Climate Change)
The CDP is an international NGO that operates a global information-disclosure system by asking companies and cities to disclose information pertaining to various environmental fields – including Climate Change, Water Security, and Forest – and conducting surveys and assessments.
Nippon Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd., has been responding to surveys organized by the CDP since fiscal year 2022. For fiscal year 2023, we responded CDP Climate Change and Water Security questionnaires. We received “B” score for climate change.
The EcoVadis is a sustainability-assessment organization used by over 100,000 companies across 200 industrial sectors in 175 countries around the world. A company’s sustainability is assessed across four survey categories – the environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement – in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiatives, the UN Global Compact, ISO 26000, and other global standards on sustainability. In 2024, our company has been conferred a Bronze Medal for being one of the top thirty-five percent of all assessed companies.
In response to a request made at a G20 meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors, the TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in December 2015 to look into disclosures of climate-related information and the responses of financial institutions. In June 2017, the TCFD issued a recommendation to have financial institutions, companies, and governments disclose the impact of climate change in their financial reports. We endorsed the TCFD recommendations in October 2022.
Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation
We endorse the purpose of Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation and are promoting initiatives for biodiversity.
※Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation disseminates and introduces, both internally and externally, the logo of companies and organizations that are working on multiple items out of the seven items listed in Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation and Action Guidelines (revised version) or that endorse the intent of the entire organization, as well as action policies and examples of activities for the future, on a special website.
Our policies and initiatives under Keidanren initiative for Biodiversity Conservation
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